2013 was a great year for water management posts on ValleyCrestTakesOn.com. A total of 53 posts about water management generated over 55,000 page views resulting from almost 35,000 visits. While most of the visits were from the United Sates, the reach was truly international.
Top 5 Countries
- United States
- Canada
- United Kingdom
- India
- Australia
As might be expected, the people most interested in water management and water conservation were from areas of the country experiencing severe drought thus showing once again that the “Global Water Crisis” is the sum of very local issues.
Top 5 US Cities
- Los Angeles
- San Diego
- Phoenix
- Dallas
- Denver/Austin (tied)
Top 5 Referrals
- LinkedIn* referrals contributed to twice the total of all other referrals and four times the #2 referral.
- Facebook* referrals edged out the #3 referral by just a few hundred
- Twitter*
- The Water Matters Weekly
* Hootsuite was the #4 referral, but utilizes accounts from and posts to Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn accounts.
The top 5 posts about water management were all written in 2013. The numbers after each of the top 5 posts represent the shares from 2013. A share tells us someone viewed the post and valued it enough to recommended the post to friends or colleagues in a social network.
Top 5 Posts from 2013
#5 5 Excellent Perspectives: How to Irrigate a Slope 679
A question posed on LinkedIn’s American Society of Landscape Architects group inspires great comments on how to irrigate a slope.
#4 5 Reasons Why Drought Tolerant, Native Plants Die 472
You jumped on the conserve water, only use drought tolerant, native plants, sustainability bandwagon. Then the plants die and you want to know WHY?!
#3 Four Signs You Are Overwatering Your Plants 101
Learn four easy ways to determine if you are underwatering your plants and landscape.
#2 5 Awesome Drought Tolerant Plant Resources 1700
A great mix of resources provides all you need to know about drought tolerant plants and native plants.
#1 The Hidden Risks of Softened Water 7,710
A water softener may seem like common sense if you have hard water, but softened water can cause several sneaky problems you might not realize.
If you liked learning the top 5 posts about water management from 2013 please leave a comment, share it with a friend, check out my previous posts , follow me on Twitter @h2oMatters and
P.S. Interesting tidbit – Google Chrome was used a few hundred more times in 2013 to access ValleyCrestTakesOn.com than Internet Explorer.