
100 Ways Winners of the Week

Winners and tips 72-78

Congratulations to this week’s winners!

  • Anskje Tanna of Sarasota, FL
  • Kevin Bernauer of Dallas, TX
  • Les Lemasters of Chesapeake, VA
  • Buffie Gold of Vista, CA
  • Jane Bullock of Maitland, FL
  • Linda Hjelle of Aurora, CO
  • Casey Gnadt of Beaumont, CA

You have each won a Hunter® Wireless Rain-Clik™ rain sensor as part of our 100 Ways, 100 Days campaign. You are among the 100 winners who won’t be running your sprinklers in the rain this coming wet season and reaping the benefits.  Everyone else – get on board and let the water savings pour in! Saving water doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. Check back every Monday through early November for a weekly list of water-saving tips you can apply to your property.

Tips 72-78

  • Monitor your water bill.  I know in some parts of the country consumers can see their water use online daily.  If you can do this great, you will be able to spot leaks faster.  If you can’t see your use daily, please check monthly and know big jumps in water use most often are due to breaks or leaks.
  • Commit to carrying out one water saving idea a day or one per week if every day seems daunting (start with this list).  It doesn’t sound like much, but over time we will all benefit from the savings.
  • Use a soil probe to understand how well your system is watering.  This is an easy way to quickly see how much water your landscape needs and if you are watering too much.
  • When you mow, leave the clippings.  Your turf is full of water and can also help you reduce fertilizer needs by 25 – 50%.
  • You don’t have to wait for brown patches to know that your turf needs more water. You can actually tell by walking on it.  If you leave footprints, it’s time to water.
  • Adding a new patio or walkway to your property? Use porous material.  This way the rain will soak into the ground instead of running off, or draining away from your property.
  • Have you considered you might have microclimates in your own yard?  Believe it or not you don’t have to own an estate to have a microclimate.  Plants in shade all day are in their own microclimate, as well as plants on the north side of buildings or in the shade of sheds.  Be sure to examine your property for microclimates and adjust your plant palette and watering schedule accordingly.

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Richard Restuccia

Richard Restuccia is a water management evangelist. He believes passionately in water efficiency and sees the financial and social benefits far too often to keep a secret. As the Director for Water Management Solutions at ValleyCrest, Richard is our spokesperson at industry events and on the Hill to provide direction and insight on landscape water management best practices. Richard puts his words into action through service on various boards and committees including the Government and Regulatory Affairs Committee for the Irrigation Association, the San Diego Water Conservation Action Committee and was a founding member of the Central Control Users’ Group in the Central Valley of California.



  1. Friday, 8:41 Matt Bruns

    Wow…what a cool site. 1st time I’ve visited and will definetly spread the word. Lots of information presented in an easy to use format, with just enough glitz to grab the users attention.

    Keep up the great work!

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