
05.20.14Eric Santos

HOA Saves Big on Budget

Smart Controllers - Efficient Water for Turf Smart Controllers - Efficient Water for TurfDobbins2

Can you imagine the frustration of budgeting thousands of dollars a year on something you think is an inevitable expense? How exciting would it be to find out you don’t have to keep spending that money? Wouldn’t you want to make a simple change that will pay you back every year instead of continuing to slip away?

With 319 lots and landscaping that extends over 13 acres of turf grass, Dobbins Point, a community in a southwestern suburb of Phoenix, covers a lot of ground. Dobbins Point HOA heard of a nearby community’s success using ValleyCrest’s irrigation expertise. Historically, the Dobbins Point community spent more than $100,000 on water bills. With each passing year, the bills continued to rise and so did the need for cost savings and smarter water conservation. Dobbins Point reached out to ValleyCrest for help reducing their high irrigation bills.

Water Management Solution Gets Results

A decision was made to retrofit nine traditional irrigation controllers to new smart controllers specifically programmed for  soil conditions, plant types, slope, sun exposure, and daily weather. Dobbins Point saved $62,000 on water bills in the first year alone.

The money saved can be added back to the budget to investe on other capital improvement projects, community events, or many of the other projects that have been on the HOA’s back burner due to lack of funding. Further, by saving water, Dobbins Point is also making a contribution to the planet. And that’s good for all of us.

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Eric Santos

Eric Santos has over 17-year of experience in landscape irrigation and has focused on irrigation technology and recycled water retrofits throughout his career. As the Division Leader for Irrigation and Water Management, Eric provides oversight and support of irrigation operations for the maintenance division and leads the division’s rigorous irrigation training program. Eric holds every Irrigation Association Certification in landscape irrigation and serves on the Irrigation Associations Education Foundation’s Board of Trustees and as Vice Chair of the Irrigation Associations Contractor Common Interest Group.


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