
05.31.13Martha Golea

Water Facts: How much water is really going to waste? [Infographic]

Water is a valuable commodity. You are reminded of this every month when you receive your water bill. But have you ever considered just how much water is going to waste due to leaks or overuse? Did you know that almost 60% of average household water use goes to the landscape?  Hopefully this eye-opening infographic will help motivate you to check for water waste and focus on changes that will make a noticeable difference in your next water bill!

Check out these interesting water facts on water waste:

Facts on Water Waste

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Martha Golea

A seasoned communicator and passionate water conservationist, Martha Golea tracks projects in progress and reports on usage of new and exploratory irrigation technology and water management strategies. Martha also regularly contributes content on water management and conservation to Lawn & Landscape Magazine.


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  1. [...] sensors may seem complicated but can actually be explained simply.  Breaks in irrigation systems waste vast amounts of water every year.  Flow sensors are affordable devices that can be installed to detect and automatically [...]

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