
04.02.13Melony MontEton

Water Quality: Every Drop Counts

Poop Scoop on the Beach for Water Quality by KiwiladEvery drop counts when it comes to water quality, so please scoop the poop.

Photo courtesy of Kiwilad

April 3, 2013 is the American Heart Association’s National Walking Day. If you have a dog take it on a walk with you, but if nature calls please pick up after your pet! Because, when it comes to water quality: Every Drop Counts.

A recent walk with our dogs in our neighborhood got my husband and I seeing red! Don’t people know how bad it is when you don’t pick up after your dog?! Pet waste left in natural areas and park areas can be picked up by stormwater runoff and washed into nearby water bodies causing significant water pollution and degradation of water quality. According to the EPA pet waste contains nutrients that promotes weed and algae growth and carries bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can threaten the health of humans and wildlife.

As homeowners, we play a very important role in the protecting and keeping our urban stormwater clean. Our actions in and around our homes, parks, gardens and driveways can greatly affect the loads and conditions of local stormwater. Become a part of the water quality solution and prevent pollutants from reaching our streams and rivers by following these five easy steps:

Top 5 ways homeowners can become a part of the water quality solution and prevent pollutants from reaching our streams and rivers:

  1. When fertilizing your lawn don’t over fertilize and be sure to keep fertilizer from falling on streets or sidewalks. This will stop the concentrated nutrients from getting into the stormwater systems.
  2. Pick up the grass clippings and don’t blow them into the street where it contributes organic matter and nutrients to the storm water systems.
  3. Don’t wash your automobiles, boats or ATV’s in the driveway that can add sediment, oil, grease, soap and other pollutants to the runoff when it rains.
  4. Pick up after your pets. Animal waste left on the ground contributes nutrients, organic matter and bacteria to the runoff.
  5. Dispose of paint and oil at recycling centers. Dumping these products into drains can pollute streams for several miles.

So enjoy your walk, but  if your dog poops, remember to scoop.

Please share comments below and share pictures of your good water quality behavior on our Facebook page, Water Bloggers.


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Melony MontEton

Melony Mont-Eton is a landscape architect with vast experience in the landscape construction industry. She enjoys working through all aspects of a project from design review to cost estimating and construction installation. A LEED Accredited Professional, Melony facilitates the successful design, development, and certification of high-performance green building projects, which requires extensive knowledge of sustainable materials and construction practices.

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