Posts Tagged ‘Environment’

  • Reuse or Replace Towel placard in a hotel

    Water Conservation: Corporate Theory Meets Reality

    Many organizations “try” to be good environmental stewards when it comes to water conservation. A co-worker likes the saying, “There is no trying. There is only doing.” So what happens when the corporate theory meets the reality of the front line worker? As I write this post I am on my second of three trips for the month. Almost every hotel where I stay provides the guest with an option to use a bath towel more than once or to... MORE >

  • Slip n Slide

    Water Under the Bridge

    As I grow older it seems I am taking more time to reflect on where I’ve been and where I’m going.  Although I strongly believe in water conversation, I wasn’t always so inclined.  Really, most people weren’t. Back in the day water wasn’t really looked upon as a resource.  It was, well, just water. This wasn’t the case for my parents who grew up in the Oklahoma dust bowl era but for me, a kid in the 60’s, water was... MORE >

  • U.S. National Arboretum

    A Trip To The Hill

    Today is day two of the Irrigation Association’s Advocacy Day in Washington DC.  This is running in conjunction with PLANET’s legislative day on Capitol Hill and Renewal and Remembrance,  the day PLANET members volunteer manpower and equipment to enhance the beauty of Arlington National Cemetery. Each year, this event draws hundreds of landscape and lawn care professionals from across the country to Arlington National Cemetery to spend the day mulching, cabling, improving irrigation, installing lightning protection for trees, pruning, planting, liming and... MORE >

  • Los Angeles River

    Unintended Consequence: The Los Angeles River

    The “Hollywood” Los Angeles River We’ve all (even the aquaphobes) have seen the dramatic chase scenes on the television or in a movie. You know, the one where the car is driving down an oversized concrete culvert with a trickle of water in the middle. Sometimes the cars splash through the shallow water and other times they accelerate up the paved slope only to flip over. Congratulations you have seen the Los Angeles River. In the spirit of the summer of... MORE >

  • Native plant and hardscape yard

    Honey Did You Cut The Grass?

    “No dear but I raked the rocks.”  This is a conversation I am finally ready to have.  Spring has sprung and I am facing yet another year of mowing the yard.  I thought I mowed it correctly last week but here I am doing it over again this week!  Did I do something wrong?  What’s the definition of insanity?  Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. A beautiful, lush landscape can be gorgeous but sometimes I... MORE >

  • Tax-Evasion-Is-A-Lose-Lose-Proposition

    Are We All Just Moral Hypocrites?

    Happy tax day!  Thanks to Emancipation Day, the tax procrastinators of the Nation were given a couple extra days to file taxes this year.  April 15th fell on a Sunday so you would expect the deadline to move to Monday.  This year Monday is Emancipation Day so the deadline was pushed to Tuesday, April 17th. Emancipation Day, you ask?  It’s a local holiday in the District of Columbia and by law, District of Columbia holidays are treated like federal holidays... MORE >

  • Earth Hour

    That’s the Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia…

    …and California and Canada and Brazil and France and England and in… March 31st 8:30 PM (your time zone) EARTH HOUR If you have not heard about Earth Hour don’t feel bad. It turns 5 this year and how many 5 year olds do you know?  Of course, last year Earth Hour did reach 1.8 billion people in 135 countries and every continent so maybe it is time to get on board. What is Earth Hour? Earth Hour is a... MORE >

  • Fix a Leak Week

    Spread the word about WaterSense Fix a Leak Week!

    This week, March 12th thru 18th marks the EPA’s 4th annual Fix a Leak Week and as landscape irrigation professionals there are many things we can do to educate our customers to increase their awareness of the importance of fixing leaks. According to EPA Administrator, Lisa P. Jackson, “Across the country, household leaks add up to more than 1 trillion gallons of water annually. The amount we’re losing could supply Los Angeles, Chicago and Miami for a full year. We’re... MORE >

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