Posts Tagged ‘EPA’

  • The Ripple Effect - The Fate of Fresh Water in the Twenty-First Century

    The Ripple Effect: To Read or Not to Read

    Back in the late 1990’s I enjoyed playing SimPark on my Windows 95 computer. The premise of the game was to introduce prey and predator into the safari so there was a harmonious balance. It sounds easy, but nature would take its course and the harmony would quickly fall out of balance. Every time you would add one resource there would be a ripple effect over time you had to try and balance. “The Ripple Effect” explores mankind’s attempt to control water... MORE >

  • 08.28.12

    Conservation Scores With Sports Fans

    Sometimes I get the Diamondbacks and the Razorbacks confused. A few of my best naps have been at Chase Field during a game. Just last week I learned the difference between a short stop and a catcher. So if you think I’m not a baseball fan, you are correct. Ok fine, I’m not much of a sports fan at all.* But I am a sustainability fan, so when the EPA’s New York City blog posted “The Greening of America’s Favorite Pastime”, I... MORE >

  • Kayakers on the Los Angeles River

    Intended Consequence: The Los Angeles River

    In a previous post we reviewed the transformation of the Los Angeles River from a natural, albeit flood prone waterway to the concrete culvert it is today. As mentioned in that post it is time to undo some of the sins of the past. Helping advance an initiative to restore the river which began in the 1980’s and bring the plight of the river to the public’s attention is a documentary “Rock the Boat”. BACKGROUND Despite the fact the act... MORE >

  • U.S. National Arboretum

    A Trip To The Hill

    Today is day two of the Irrigation Association’s Advocacy Day in Washington DC.  This is running in conjunction with PLANET’s legislative day on Capitol Hill and Renewal and Remembrance,  the day PLANET members volunteer manpower and equipment to enhance the beauty of Arlington National Cemetery. Each year, this event draws hundreds of landscape and lawn care professionals from across the country to Arlington National Cemetery to spend the day mulching, cabling, improving irrigation, installing lightning protection for trees, pruning, planting, liming and... MORE >

  • Native plant and hardscape yard

    Honey Did You Cut The Grass?

    “No dear but I raked the rocks.”  This is a conversation I am finally ready to have.  Spring has sprung and I am facing yet another year of mowing the yard.  I thought I mowed it correctly last week but here I am doing it over again this week!  Did I do something wrong?  What’s the definition of insanity?  Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. A beautiful, lush landscape can be gorgeous but sometimes I... MORE >

  • Earth Day 2012

    Everyday Should Be Earth Day – 10 Things To Do On Earth Day And Beyond

    The first Earth Day April 22, 1970 was a wake up call for us to take more action toward protecting our environment.  Gaylord Nelson, a Senator from Wisconsin was the thought leader for the day.  It marks the start of the modern environmental movement and the first Earth Day had around 20 million participants.  It was estimated over a billion people participated in Earth Day this past weekend.  This is a tremendous gain in participation. However, I still think if... MORE >

  • WaterSmart Innovations 2011

    WaterSmart Innovations Conference Is A Resounding Success

    There was  a tremendous amount of activity at last week’s WaterSmart Innovations Conference .  I counted 43 exhibitors, and attendance exceeded 800 people from 33 states and 9 countries.   More importantly, I felt the  attendees were serious about managing water more efficiently and the conversations were interesting and meaningful.  This was definitely the right crowd wanting to make a difference in water management. One of the best conversation I had was with Charles Fishman over coffee one morning.  Charles is... MORE >

  • WaterSmart Innovations 2011

    WaterSmart Innovations Conference Count Down

    This year’s WaterSmart Conference is just a couple weeks away. Seminars that are particularly of interest to me include, Valuing Water and Landscape in the Urban West, presented by Lori Catalano University of Colorado Dept of Landscape Architecture and Paul W. Lander Am. Soc. of L. Arch: Chair, Water Conservation Professional Network,  The Benefits of Water Budgeting and Why It is an Efficient Method of Reducing Outdoor Water Usage presented by Peter Estournes [California Landscape Contractors Association] and  Community Based... MORE >

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