Posts Tagged ‘landscape design’

  • VCTO - Oynx - #1

    The Growing Attraction to Turf Conversion Rebate Programs

    There’s a lot more than just the severe water shortage changing landscapes in California. Public works rebate programs, many of which went into effect in 2009, are gaining in popularity due to commercial and residential real estate owners who are quickly realizing that replacing turf with drought-tolerant landscaping can be as financially rewarding and beautiful as it is good for the environment. Case in point: Oynx, a high-end apartment community in southern California’s Warner Center. When Updating Means Saving &... MORE >

  • Fix a Leak Week

    Spread the word about WaterSense Fix a Leak Week!

    This week, March 12th thru 18th marks the EPA’s 4th annual Fix a Leak Week and as landscape irrigation professionals there are many things we can do to educate our customers to increase their awareness of the importance of fixing leaks. According to EPA Administrator, Lisa P. Jackson, “Across the country, household leaks add up to more than 1 trillion gallons of water annually. The amount we’re losing could supply Los Angeles, Chicago and Miami for a full year. We’re... MORE >

  • Sustainable Urban Landscape Conference: The Bottom Line for Green is Black

    The Bottom Line for Green is Black

    The theme for the fourth annual Sustainable Urban Landscape conference being held at Cuyamaca College March 8 is “The Bottom Line for Green is Black,” examining the ways that good landscaping practices can be a profitable business model in addition to helping the environment. Architect John Picard, known as the “green prophet” for his pioneering work in sustainability is the key note speaker for event. He was a founding member of the U.S. Green Building Council, a trade organization that... MORE >

  • East Garden at Galleria in Atlanta

    What’s Not To Love About Water…Fountains?

    Previously in I LOVE WATER…FOUNTAINS (But Not Everyone Does) it was clear I have some favorite water fountains. So, who doesn’t love water fountains? Namely owners and here are three reasons why: Illegal Water Use – during times of drought municipalities often implement water restrictions which may require the water  fountains to be turned off. Power – water weighs 8.34 pounds per gallon, which means Buckingham Fountain moves about 3500 tons of water each hour which takes a lot of energy and... MORE >

  • H2Overhaul

    The H2O Overhaul Challenge

    “H2Overhaul” seeks best ideas to include in next-generation water efficiency building projects around the world. Cassandra Cappello of Jovoto sent me the information below and I think this is an excellent opportunity for you to show others how you are literally saving water.  The challenge stared a few weeks ago, but there is still plenty of time for you to submit your concepts.  Please take a look,  rise up and accept the challenge. Come and check out one of the... MORE >

  • The Four LEED Certification Levels

    LEED Points for Water Efficiency — Worthwhile or Waste of Time?

    A colleague and friend of mine, Dorothy F. Borland at Hydrosystems-KDI, Inc. asks the critical question when it comes to applying for LEED certification for your property: Is it worth investing time and resources to get LEED points for water efficiency or better to focus on lower hanging fruit? Below is her POV on LEED credits for Water Efficiency and recommendations for how get them when they make sense. ………………………………………………………………………. If you are investing in a water efficient landscape because... MORE >

  • Iguacu Falls by Frans Lanting via

    The Facts of Life

    The earth is flat, it’s the center of the universe, and it will always have plenty of freshwater for everyone. Some things we accept as fact for so long that we would never bother questioning them. But when contrary evidence starts to pop up, how long will it take to convert our former tightly-held beliefs and adapt our lifestyles to the new facts? The amount of moisture on Earth has not changed. The water the dinosaurs drank millions of years... MORE >

  • Winner and Tip 11

    100 Ways Winner of the Day

    Congratulations Harriot Roberts of Orlando, FL! You won a Hunter® Wireless Rain-Clik™ rain sensor as part of our 100 Ways, 100 Days campaign. You are one of 100 winners who won’t be running your sprinklers in the rain this coming wet season and reaping the benefits.  Everyone else – get on board and let the water savings pour in! Saving water doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. Check back every day through early November for a new water-saving tip... MORE >

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