Posts Tagged ‘ValleyCrest’

  • Slip n Slide

    Water Under the Bridge

    As I grow older it seems I am taking more time to reflect on where I’ve been and where I’m going.  Although I strongly believe in water conversation, I wasn’t always so inclined.  Really, most people weren’t. Back in the day water wasn’t really looked upon as a resource.  It was, well, just water. This wasn’t the case for my parents who grew up in the Oklahoma dust bowl era but for me, a kid in the 60’s, water was... MORE >

  • vacation bag

    Uninvited Parenting Advice: Top 10 Travel Tips

    Labor Day weekend is upon us and you’re probably ready for some time off, right? If you’re hitting the lake, beach, Civil War reenactment, or whatever your vacation preference is, check out these 10 tips for water-wise travel before you go. Carry a reusable water bottle wherever you go. Everyone in the family needs one! 60 million plastic bottles are thrown away each day, in the United States alone, and who wants to spend so much money on bottles of... MORE >

  • Kayakers on the Los Angeles River

    Intended Consequence: The Los Angeles River

    In a previous post we reviewed the transformation of the Los Angeles River from a natural, albeit flood prone waterway to the concrete culvert it is today. As mentioned in that post it is time to undo some of the sins of the past. Helping advance an initiative to restore the river which began in the 1980’s and bring the plight of the river to the public’s attention is a documentary “Rock the Boat”. BACKGROUND Despite the fact the act... MORE >

  • U.S. National Arboretum

    A Trip To The Hill

    Today is day two of the Irrigation Association’s Advocacy Day in Washington DC.  This is running in conjunction with PLANET’s legislative day on Capitol Hill and Renewal and Remembrance,  the day PLANET members volunteer manpower and equipment to enhance the beauty of Arlington National Cemetery. Each year, this event draws hundreds of landscape and lawn care professionals from across the country to Arlington National Cemetery to spend the day mulching, cabling, improving irrigation, installing lightning protection for trees, pruning, planting, liming and... MORE >

  • Smartscape: A Training Program for Landscape Professionals

    What You Missed Last Week on #LandscapeChat

    Smart Water Management Practices ValleyCrest Landscape Companies (@ValleyCrest) & Corona Tools (@CoronaTools) host #landscapechat every Wednesday at 2 p.m. ET/ 11 a.m. PT on Twitter to discuss the latest tips, trends and innovation in the green industry. On Wednesday, June 20, 2012, ValleyCrest’s Richard Restuccia (@H2Otrends), Director of Water Management Solutions, chatted with special guest Smartscape Arizona (@SmartscapeUA) on #landscapechat about how to adopt the smartest water management practices. Haley Paul, Program Director at Smartscape, shared how the program teaches responsible desert... MORE >

  • Danger Non-Potable Water Do Not Drink Sign

    The Future of Non-Potable Water Use

    As potable water supplies dwindle and the cost per gallon rises, we have to be vigilant about how much we use and how we use it. One way to conserve potable water is to use non-potable water—rainwater, air conditioning condensate, stormwater run-off and treated wastewater—for purposes like landscape irrigation. Initiatives such as the United States Green Building Council’s LEED Program are driving the use of alternative water sources and the development of more efficient irrigation systems.  This trend is further... MORE >

  • Earth Day 2012

    Everyday Should Be Earth Day – 10 Things To Do On Earth Day And Beyond

    The first Earth Day April 22, 1970 was a wake up call for us to take more action toward protecting our environment.  Gaylord Nelson, a Senator from Wisconsin was the thought leader for the day.  It marks the start of the modern environmental movement and the first Earth Day had around 20 million participants.  It was estimated over a billion people participated in Earth Day this past weekend.  This is a tremendous gain in participation. However, I still think if... MORE >

  • 04.17.12

    Are We All Just Moral Hypocrites?

    Happy tax day!  Thanks to Emancipation Day, the tax procrastinators of the Nation were given a couple extra days to file taxes this year.  April 15th fell on a Sunday so you would expect the deadline to move to Monday.  This year Monday is Emancipation Day so the deadline was pushed to Tuesday, April 17th. Emancipation Day, you ask?  It’s a local holiday in the District of Columbia and by law, District of Columbia holidays are treated like federal holidays... MORE >

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