
Saving With Smart Irrigation Controllers

Smart controllerSmart controllers can save up to 30% of water used to irrigate your property.

Have you taken advantage of irrigation rebates available through your local water District? This is a great way to put money back into your budget.

Conventional controllers require users to manually enter desired watering days and watering durations. This is often inefficient and results in either overwatering or underwatering your plants and turf.

Smart controllers, also known as weather-based controllers or “et-based” controllers, adjust their irrigation schedules automatically based on daily weather changes and estimated plant water requirements. Communication-based smart controllers with sophisticated scheduling engines and internet accessibility will generally have a higher potential for greater water savings because they are more precise.

Because smart systems water only when needed, time the applications to allow water to soak-in, and avoid application when water might evaporate or blow away, you may reduce your annual water bill as much as 30 percent. When selecting a smart controller and reviewing the options and features offered by each, always consider if the expected water savings justify the cost of additional features.

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Richard Restuccia

Richard Restuccia is a water management evangelist. He believes passionately in water efficiency and sees the financial and social benefits far too often to keep a secret. As the Director for Water Management Solutions at ValleyCrest, Richard is our spokesperson at industry events and on the Hill to provide direction and insight on landscape water management best practices. Richard puts his words into action through service on various boards and committees. Currently he serves on the Irrigation Association’s Board of Directors. As a board member, Richard serves in a variety of capacities, including government/public affairs. He is the liaison between the board and its marketing committee on the best ways to promote water efficiency and educate industry professionals on new technologies, products and services. Richard is also a regular contributor to Lawn & Landscape Magazine.


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