
08.05.14Alan Harris

Irrigation Man Debuts at Comic-Con

Alliance of Water Management Avengers
Early costume prototypes for Alliance of Water Management Avengers. Irrigation Man is second from the right.
Photo Courtesy of Water Bloggers

Did you see Irrigation Man at Comic-Con last week? His debut was rumored to be strategically aligned with the release of Guardians of the Galaxy. Sources close to Irrigation Man say talks are underway for a movie, but plot development is still in the early stages. Here is some of what we have learned thus far.

Irrigation Man Plot Development

In addition to the ability to fly, Irrigation Man will be able repel water with his breath and change irrigation nozzles from traditional to high efficiency nozzles at the speed of light. His water repelling super breath will come in handy to blow wasteful irrigation runoff from the curb back into the mainline. Habitual runoff offenders who are undeterred by $500 fines will be whisked off to irrigation jail where their only way out is posting a water bond.

At this time the writers have not determined how to weave in smart controllers, pressure reducing valves or rain sensors, but we have been assured by sources close to the development team that they will be included in the story line.

Alliance of Water Management Avengers

Assisting Irrigation Man in his crusade against water crimes is the Alliance of Water Management Avengers (AWMA). Some of the members of this elite group include:

  • Flo from EPA WaterSense 
  • Lily Anne Phibian from ACC Water Conservation Office
  • Wally Water Drop from NEORSD 
  • Wayne Drop from Water Use it Wisely 
  • Gabi H2O

The archenemies of AWMA will be the irrigation designers and irrigation contractors who use dumb irrigation controllers and stretch the spacing of irrigation heads to save money. The crusaders for irrigation conservation will not rest until all of the water wasters are defeated.

Irrigation Man Secret Identity

Batman has Bruce Wayne, Superman has Clark Kent so who is Irrigation Man? We went to one of Irrigation Man confidants, Warren Gorowitz, Vice President of Sustainability for Ewing Irrigation with the question and he responded with, “I can’t answer your question, in order to maintain the secrecy…” It was then when we realized no one has ever seen Irrigation Man and Warren Gorowtiz in the same room at the same time…hmmm.

Your ideas for plot development are encouraged. In the event Marvel/Disney decides to pick up ideas from this post, 10% of the royalties will be shared with the people who comment below.

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Alan Harris

Alan Harris is a water management pioneer. With roots in landscape architecture, Alan has worked with irrigation throughout his career experimenting with hydrozones and a variety of high efficiency irrigation systems. Now, over thirty years in the landscape industry, Alan continues to stay apprised of the latest technology even in a sales leadership capacity as our Director of Sales Operations for our landscape maintenance division. In addition to his contributions to this blog, Alan keeps his hand in water management as a regular contributor to Lawn & Landscape Magazine and speaker at WaterSmart Innovations Conference.


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