Every Thanksgiving, we sit down to enjoy time with our family and share a wonderful bounty of food. All that entertaining and preparing not to mention the clean up, requires a tremendous amount of water. This year, let’s take a minute to think about how grateful we are for the water we have.
Thanksgiving Dinner From Farm To Table
It’s estimated that producing a typical Thanksgiving meal for six – from farm to table to clean-up – requires more than 30,000 gallons of water.
Extra Shopping, Cooking, and Cleaning – Hooray!
We’d venture to guess that 30,000 minutes (approximately 21 days) is about the time spent on preparing for this wonderful holiday. We all know time is a valuable commodity. Let’s think about water in the same way. So before you add to your stress by adding to your water bill, consider some water conservation tips that you can use and share with guests so we all remember to be thankful for this magnificent resource.
Water-Saving Tips That Thanksgiving Cooks Can Be Grateful For
Ever thaw frozen food by running it under water? Let’s put an end to that practice. Plan ahead and thaw in your refrigerator or microwave. How about that garbage disposal? Gets lots of use at the holidays but it requires large amounts of water and electricity. Think about composting or adding green waste to a bin for recycling.
You can do it all without throwing money down the drain. The folks at WaterSense, the conservation program run by the Environmental Protection Agency, suggest some simple ways to save.
For more tips, check out the Consumer Reports article.
And if you still need extra help, don’t forget the Butterball Turkey Talk Hotline.
Other Ways to Show Your Gratitude
Giving Tuesday: “You may have heard of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. There’s another day you might want to know about: Giving Tuesday. The idea is pretty straightforward. On the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, shoppers take a break from their gift-buying and donate what they can to charity.” ~Bill Gates
Local Food Drives: Hunger exists in every community in the U.S., from our cities to our suburbs and across rural America. It affects everyone from children to the elderly. Create a lasting tradition with family and friends. Donate to a local food drive and help people in need.
Happy Thanksgiving to You and Your Family!