Many organizations “try” to be good environmental stewards when it comes to water conservation. A co-worker likes the saying, “There is no trying. There is only doing.” So what happens when the corporate theory meets the reality of the front line worker?
As I write this post I am on my second of three trips for the month. Almost every hotel where I stay provides the guest with an option to use a bath towel more than once or to have it replaced. The hotel where I am currently staying has a placard in the bathroom that reads:
reuse or
to reuse: hang towels up
to replace: place towels on floor
take care
we owe it to one another®
Most of my trips range from two to four nights and I usually hang up my towel to be used again. I choose this option, because it A) is a good water conservation practice and B) is what I practice at home. Unfortunately, when the corporate water conservation theory meets the reality of the housekeeping staff, the towel is usually gone when I return to the room at the end of the day.
Last week I was on a four night trip which meant housekeeping had three opportunities to leave the towel hanging to be used again. It was left hanging only one out of three times!
This week I am on another four night trip and I decided to be socially proactive. The first morning I hung my towel and placed the placard on top of the towel so the placard would have to be removed to get to the towel. I then took it one step further and tweeted from @h2oMatters the following message:
@[hotel] I did my part to help you do your part. We will know tonight if we were successful. #WaterConservation photo
I was slightly encouraged when the corporate office replied with the simple message, “Thanks for sharing, Alan.” Unfortunately at the end of the day the towel was gone so I again tweeted:
@[hotel] And the answer is “No Towel” #WaterConservation #Fail Will try again tomorrow at Aguora Hills photo
We will see what water conservation reality my towel meets today.
Most major hotel brands have a good environmental/water conservation policy:
- Hilton
- Marriott
- Starwood
- Intercontinental
Take a few minutes to read the water conservation policy of your preferred brand and then the next time you travel, help their water conservation theory become water conservation reality. Twitter and Facebook are great ways to engage with brands or just let the front desk know when their water conservation theory needs a reality check.
Do you have a corporate water conservation story to share? Please leave your comments below or on our Facebook page, Water Bloggers.
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I love the info and the extremely creative use of social media. You’re a testimony to the fact that those who are over 20 can effectively use social media!
> thanks and I hope I can be an inspiration for all of the pentagenarians
That’s the purpose of social media for business, right? Very smart.
By the way, is your wise co-worker named Yoda? “Try not. Do or do not, there is no try.” is definitely a Yodaism.>
> Hmmm…his initials for his middle names are “FX” which coincidentally were droids from Star Wars.
It takes two and sometimes even more to tango. The cleaning people in my home keep throwing away recyclables even though I tell them every time not to.
I wonder how much of the problem is cultural, how much is communication barrier and how much is just plain laziness.>
Thought you’d enjoy article in “Building Operating Management” re:hotel industry green efforts.–13927?source=FeaturedBOM-4/2013
> As in many businesses, management has the right idea, but getting the front line employees to participate requires consistent reinforcement until it is part of the culture of the employees.