Posts Tagged ‘sprinklers’

  • Sprinklers overwatering due to high pressure

    Spruce Up Your Sprinklers

    Have you heard of the newest campaign in town: “Sprinkler Spruce Up”? With such a catchy name, would you guess it is: a) promoted by Martha Stewart to get homeowners to decorate their sprinklers for the outdoor party season? OR b) sponsored by EPA’s WaterSense program to remind Americans about the importance of checking and maintaining their sprinkler systems before they increase their water use in the spring and summer? As fun as BeDazzled sprinklers sound, EPA WaterSense – the... MORE >

  • vacation bag

    Uninvited Parenting Advice: Top 10 Travel Tips

    Labor Day weekend is upon us and you’re probably ready for some time off, right? If you’re hitting the lake, beach, Civil War reenactment, or whatever your vacation preference is, check out these 10 tips for water-wise travel before you go. Carry a reusable water bottle wherever you go. Everyone in the family needs one! 60 million plastic bottles are thrown away each day, in the United States alone, and who wants to spend so much money on bottles of... MORE >

  • 08.23.12

    Are We Wasting the Drought?

    We’ve always exalted Charles Fishman’s book The Big Thirst on our blog, but recently he wrote an article for the New York Times I think just missed its mark in a couple of ways.  Charles Fishman is an asset to our industry and an excellent proponent for water management in the United States so I was excited to see him get space in the New York Times and use it to call for changes in water management.  I thought much... MORE >

  • U.S. National Arboretum

    A Trip To The Hill

    Today is day two of the Irrigation Association’s Advocacy Day in Washington DC.  This is running in conjunction with PLANET’s legislative day on Capitol Hill and Renewal and Remembrance,  the day PLANET members volunteer manpower and equipment to enhance the beauty of Arlington National Cemetery. Each year, this event draws hundreds of landscape and lawn care professionals from across the country to Arlington National Cemetery to spend the day mulching, cabling, improving irrigation, installing lightning protection for trees, pruning, planting, liming and... MORE >

  • Thermometer

    It’s Hot!

    The official start of summer is tomorrow.  If you take a look at the record temperatures across the United States you will notice summer has been here for awhile.  The first three months of 2012 were 6 degrees higher than average in the lower 48 states, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  It’s great to be able to wear shorts in February but there are some potential negative effects.  According to  Science Daily global temperatures in May were... MORE >

  • Trilogy Lake Center

    Water Management 102

    Each day I become more aware how important it is to educate customers about proper water management.  When customers understand the premises of water management, they value the benefits of certifications, case studies, and training a professional contractor provides through a team of expert water managers. Trilogy at Glen Ivy is a development that understands the value of proper water management.  It is located in the heart of Southern California’s Temescal Valley less than an hour from Los Angeles, Orange... MORE >

  • Fix a Leak Week

    Spread the word about WaterSense Fix a Leak Week!

    This week, March 12th thru 18th marks the EPA’s 4th annual Fix a Leak Week and as landscape irrigation professionals there are many things we can do to educate our customers to increase their awareness of the importance of fixing leaks. According to EPA Administrator, Lisa P. Jackson, “Across the country, household leaks add up to more than 1 trillion gallons of water annually. The amount we’re losing could supply Los Angeles, Chicago and Miami for a full year. We’re... MORE >

  • Sustainable Urban Landscape Conference: The Bottom Line for Green is Black

    The Bottom Line for Green is Black

    The theme for the fourth annual Sustainable Urban Landscape conference being held at Cuyamaca College March 8 is “The Bottom Line for Green is Black,” examining the ways that good landscaping practices can be a profitable business model in addition to helping the environment. Architect John Picard, known as the “green prophet” for his pioneering work in sustainability is the key note speaker for event. He was a founding member of the U.S. Green Building Council, a trade organization that... MORE >

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